Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Summer Letter

With a new school year comes new change and new hope. It's been a while since the last blog because I started the school year out with new change as an assistant principal. Beverly started the new school year with the chance to watch her precious granddaughter one day a week. With our new change, we realized it would take a while before we were able to get to Abilene for a visit with Russell, so in the meantime, we continued writing him. Bev and I always look forward to getting a letter from Russell, and when we do, we immediately call each other to share it. The following letter is one I couldn't wait to share with her.

In Russell's own words, here is his summer letter:

Mrs. Edmunds,

     Hey! I just got your letter with the pictures tonite, (6.14.12), & I just barely got Mrs. Barfield's card yesterday. The mail room is real slow here & they are not supposed to hold onto our mail for more than 24 hours, but they do anyway, so I'm sorry it's taken a few to send you a reply letter. I wrote Mrs. Barfield right after the visit, & I wanted to write you too, but I didn't have your address before now." If you remember in my last blog, Russell was transferred to a prison in West Texas, so three bags of his personal belongings were left behind, which had some of his addresses in it. He now has those belongings back, which is good. He goes on to ask us what type of drawings we like because he would like to do something for Bev and I, and he wonders if we have seen any books around "with drawings in there like tattoo art?" He continues, "I need a book like that. See I draw in pencil, but I can't draw things straight out of my head. I need to be able to see it. I've got some good ideas, but when I try to do it straight out of my mind, it doesn't look right, & drawing's something that I really want to learn how to do." He then goes on to tell us about the types of things he enjoys drawing and is getting better at and asks if we know about any books that might help him. Russell then says, "IDK (I don't know) but I want to send something to show appreciation for what y'all have been doing for me. Like I told Mrs. Barfield in the letter I wrote yesterday, I feel like since y'all have stepped in, that things have been going good for me. Y'all brought happiness & some kind of peace into my life. It was more for y'all than me that I got out of "seg," because I was getting sort of comfortable back there. I was gonna get out eventually, but before y'all came, I was just doing my time. I wasn't getting in trouble out there, but I was really just adjusting to life in "seg" and that's not good. I never want to feel comfortable in here at all, because I'm not "institutionalized." I hurt inside because I know that I left good people & good things out there in the free world. I'm building a "support team" in here that started with you & Mrs. Barfield, & it makes me feel good & like I'm loved and cared for. The only person I had when I 1st came down was Ronnie (a man who mentored Russell when he was still at TCJC), & he's been a good friend, but he wasn't just "there." The feeling I have with you & Mrs. Barfield isn't something I've experienced before, & all these different factors that have been going for me for the last 4 months have been things that have kept me on my toes, because I care for all of y'all that have been keeping it real with me, and I don't want to hurt or disappoint y'all." I think the line that tugged at Bev and I the most is when he said that what he has with us isn't something he's ever experienced before. Russell should have experienced that. Every child deserves to experience that. If anything, we are just glad he's experiencing it now, even if it's at the age of 20.

     Before school ended of this particular year, several of us at NRMS participated in the Warrior Dash in honor of one of our beloved teachers battling a brain tumor. I sent Russell some pictures from the race. He said, "So what exactly was the mud dash? Is it a race in the mud? I thought y'all were crazy in that picture! LOL! :) I saw it and said, "Man, what is this?" & busted out laughing! I thought it was cool though, & I'm glad y'all had so much fun. It was in Mrs. Worrell's name & that made it even better. Once the school year ended, me, Bev, Robin, and Barbara went on our little annual girls' trip. This time it was to Hot Springs, AR where we did some sightseeing and participated in a mineral hot bath. Barbara and I absolutely hated it, and by the time we got in the car to head back to Fort Worth, I had the most horrible headache. I told Russell about how it was supposed to be so wonderful, and I guess it was for Beverly and Robin, but Barbara and I truly found it quite torturous! Russell said, "So, how does that water flow from the mountain in Hot Springs? Does it come from like a hole & flow into a pool type thing, or is it with pipes & all that? I probably would've liked it because I'm cold & always loved hotter weather. I don't like the cold because it messes with my hands & ankles. Maybe I have arthritis." Bev and I just had to laugh at that one! "I just don't know. Maybe you had a headache because of that mineral bath."

     Well, thank you so much for the pictures and the card! :) I can't wait to see y'all again. I've still been staying out of trouble. I hope to hear from y'all soon. Take it easy & drive safe. God Bless!

Russell A. Dow

Beverly and I journeyed to West Texas before this school year began. At the time, I hadn't yet gotten my new job as an assistant principal. After I got the job, I wrote to Russell to let him know how the job was going, and to ask him if he had any advice to give to the kids who frequent my office, and in some instances, have home lives similar to what Russell had. In the latest letter I got from him, Russell did share some rather poignant advice to help kids from tough situations not end up where he is.

I'll share that with you soon.

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