Thursday, May 10, 2012

New Beginnings

     I love spring. I love the newness of the season, the blooming of the flowers, the sun staying out later. I love that school is almost over and the freedom of summer is within reach. It's also in this season that Beverly and I were hoping to get some pretty great news from Russell. News that we've been waiting for since we first reached out to him in September, and news he's been waiting for even longer.

Again, in his own words, is Russell's letter:

Mrs. Barfield,

"Hey, how's the wind blowing? (lol) Man I'm doing really good actually! Sorry you haven't heard from me in a few, but changes are in the making. (lol) Well one reason you haven't heard from me is because I have been waiting on the state classification committee to come from Huntsville. I thought they would come early in the month, but they didn't come until the end! (lol) On the 28th actually! But Yes! After 2 long years they voted to let me out to Population! :) I'm still in seg. right now, until all the paper work gets through to Huntsville so that'll take about 1 1/2 weeks but once that goes thru I'm going straight to 8 bldg. "G5". It's the bottom of the barrel, I have to work my way up, but it's cool with me." 
     On February 10, one of our precious and most beloved teachers was diagnosed with a brain tumor. In her last letter, Beverly told Russell about Judy and asked him to keep her in his prayers. We thought he would want to know since Judy taught Russell, even if it was for a short time. This next part of his letter just melted our hearts.

"Another reason is that I was sad when I heard about what happened to Mrs. Worrell! :(  How is she by the way? Well I have been trying, since forever to mail out a handkerchief with a "Get well soon" drawing on it but the "property lady" hasn't come by? :(  See, we can't mail big art work out thru regular mail channels, it has to go thru the Property, then the mail room. So as soon as I can get her to come by, I'll send it to you, so you can give it to her when it's convenient. Please keep it a secret till then, because I want it to be a surprise!" Jennifer, Alicia, and Sara...if you read this, don't tell your mom about Russell's "surprise" okay? :) Russell goes on to ask Beverly about the wedding she went to, and asks her if she saw any wildflowers. He tells her that he's been working on his drawing and is working with pencil. My husband, Jim has a friend who spent time in prison, and his art work is simply phenomenal! He says it's really rather easy to pick up and learn when you have a lot of time on your hands. I imagine Russell will become very good at it over the course of his years spent there. Russell's letter came right after the metroplex was hit with all of those tornadoes, so he asks, "Did you believe all those tornadoes that ripped thru DFW yesterday? It was storming bad over here. Real bad thunder & lightening! How is Mrs. Edmunds? Tell her "Hi" for me."
     This last part of his letter, albeit something small, ended up being a big joy for Bev and I. "Would it be possible to take a picture next time y'all visit? I don't think I'll be wearing a jumpsuit any longer. It'll be a 2 piece, if I'm not mistaken. I'm not sure how it is in G5, but I know population G4-G1- does. Well, I guess that's all for now. I hope y'all are okay and everything's allright! God bless & happy Easter."

Much love,
Russell A. Dow

So, life is pretty good right now. Spring is in the air, the flowers are indeed in bloom, the sun still shines into the late evening...and Russell no longer has to wear a jumpsuit.

Until next time.


elijahsvoice said...

I really enjoyed Russell's letter, he seems to have a good outlook and that is worth a million bucks in his situation. I have continued to pray for him as the Lord reminds me and I will always lift him up to the Lord in the future. Spring is in the air but Ican't smell it because I'm in Haiti and Spring never seems to get here! lol Really, I can't wait to come home so I can smell the flowers and the refreshing rain! God Bless You All, Sincerely, Ms. Edmunds' Uncle, brother jerry b baker

Karla said...

I don't know this young man, but i cry every time I read that y'all hve gone to visit or that he's written letters. What an impact you guys are making on him and that he is making on all of you. True love is loving when it is sacrifical. You all are showing him TRUE love.